Mr Gai Able Bonga tells the story of his father, Able Bonga who was a policeman during the War and his uncle Uticus who was the housekeeper for Captain Hall.
Mr Robert Michael Banaga tells the story of his grandfather Augustine Angaro Simbiri who was a member of the Papuan Infantry Battalion (PIB) and was involved with the first PIB action of the War, at Awala on 23 July, 1942.
Mrs Samie Toina tells the story of her father who was recruited to worked as a carrier and labourer during World War Two for the Australians and Americans.
Mrs Inoa Bobogi Ovia tells the story of her father Oga Bobogi (Laila Kokoni) who was recruited to worked as a carrier for the Australians during World War Two. Mrs Ovia also explains the meaning of fuzzy wuzzy in the Koiari language.
Mr Geoffry Meia tells the story of his father Meia Wai who was only a teenager when he was recruited by the Australians to work as carrier during the Kokoda Campaign.