Mrs Mavis Manuda Tongia tells the story of her father Redmond Lasibari Manuda who was a Medical Orderly during the War. Details of the Higaturu hangings are given.
Mr Tasman Oiko Orere tells the stories of his stepparents. His stepmother Naitameri Oiago Orere, was a laundry girl during the War. His stepfather Oiko Stanley Orere was initially recruited as a carrier but then became a member of the Pacific…
Mrs Stella Harika tells the story of her father Clement Harika who was too young to be recruited as a carrier. He helped distribute rations to the villages affected by the War. He also help with the clearing of ammunition after the War.
Mr Lomas Tomu Ani tells the story of his father, Osborne Tonu who was a member of the Papuan Infantry Battalion, and his mother, Ruth Ani who was a laundry worker for the Allies during World War Two.