Mr Dennis Itari tells the story of his grandfather, Soni Goto who worked as a carrier during the battle of Buna-Sanananda in 1942 when the famous George Silk photo of George Whittington and Raphael Oembari was taken.
Mr Stonewigg Haita tells the story of his father-in-law, Haita Perija and his brother Heviki Perija who worked as carriers during the battle of Buna-Sanananda in 1942 when the famous George Silk photo of George Whittington and Raphael Oembari was…
Mr Lomas Tomu Ani tells the story of his father, Osborne Tonu who was a member of the Papuan Infantry Battalion, and his mother, Ruth Ani who was a laundry worker for the Allies during World War Two.