Mr Ivan Bohura tells the story of his father, Mealo Iluvi and his uncle Kesia who worked as a carriers for the Australians during the Kokoda Campaign. Mr Bohura also speaks about the Lost Battlefield.
Mr Matthew Flenders Borari tells the story of his uncle Gomba who was a member of the Papuan Infantry Battalion. He also speaks of his father and mother and how his mother had to protect him by constantly moving to get away from the bombing during…
Mr Lancelot Dauma Jr tells story of his grandfather Alwin Darisupa Diambu who with his brother, Mapusa Dandusei, were recruited by ANGAU to work as labourers and carriers with the American allied forces during World War Two.
Mr Carson Hanana tells the story of his grandfather Omota Tarawo who worked as a carrier during the battle of Buna-Sanananda in 1942. His grandfather also worked with the American and Australian engineering units to construct roads, bridges, and…
Mrs Stella Harika tells the story of her father Clement Harika who was too young to be recruited as a carrier. He helped distribute rations to the villages affected by the War. He also help with the clearing of ammunition after the War.
Mr Dennis Itari tells the story of his grandfather, Soni Goto who worked as a carrier during the battle of Buna-Sanananda in 1942 when the famous George Silk photo of George Whittington and Raphael Oembari was taken.
Mr Gerald Iwuga tell the story of his father Eric Iwuga who was initially recruited as a carrier but then became a member of the Pacific Infantry Battalion.
Mr Faola Lehui tells the stories shared by his father, including a story about a lost Australian soldier during the Kokoda Campaign who was led into a cave by a spirit lady. He also speaks of villagers killed by the Japanese.
Mr Ivan Nitua tells the story of his father worked as a carrier for the Australians during World War Two. He speaks of the effect the War had on villagers.
Mr Dudley Banaga Nongori tells the story of his father-in-law Corporal Depona Doga who was a member of the Papuan Infantry Battalion during World War Two, serving in Bougainville.
Mr Philemon Barminas Ogomei tell the story of his father Paminas Sena Ogomei who was initially recruited as a carrier but then became a member of the Pacific Infantry Battalion. He explains how his father described the work they did as carriers was…