Mrs Inoa Bobogi Ovia tells the story of her father Oga Bobogi (Laila Kokoni) who was recruited to worked as a carrier for the Australians during World War Two. Mrs Ovia also explains the meaning of fuzzy wuzzy in the Koiari language.
Mr Geoffry Meia tells the story of his father Meia Wai who was only a teenager when he was recruited by the Australians to work as carrier during the Kokoda Campaign.
Mr Jossan tells about what he witnessed with the Japanese when they invaded his village. He also tells of how the Japanese taught some skills to people and how used the people to do different tasks for them as labourers. He also explains how the…
Mrs Esther Lunga, Mr Junias Lunga, Mrs Francesca Kote, Mrs Elsa Telum, Mr Aisoli Topu and Mr Bruno Leto discuss their late family member, Aisoli Salin, and what he did during his life.
Mr Kavavu provides an overview of New Ireland's history, before describing his own experiences as a child under Japanese occupation during the war. In this interview, he sings one of the Japanese songs he was taught while at school.