Browse Interviews (6 total)
Mr Gideon Warite tells the story of his father Warite Koare who worked as a carrier for the Australians during the War. He also speak about his mother and the other villages having to hide in caves during the War to avoid the fighting.
Mr Moses Seni tells the story of his grandfather Seru Sapate who worked as a carrier for the Australians during the Kokoda Campaign.
Mr Ian I Bali tells the story of his grandfather Orogu who worked as a cook and then enlisted in the Papuan Infantry Battalion during the War.
Mr John Auda Arue tells the story of his father who joined the Papuan Infantry Battalion during the War.
Mrs Samie Toina tells the story of her father who was recruited to worked as a carrier and labourer during World War Two for the Australians and Americans.
Mrs Kauka Kone tells the story of her father who was a policeman and an interpreter for the Australians during the War.