Browse Interviews (139 total)
Mrs Wilma Salin talks about her memories of her late husband, Aisoli Salin, and she is joined and supported by her family members, Mr Alfred Lalu Salin, Mrs Rachael Salin and Mrs Rosie Salin.
Mrs Veronica Levi tells the story of her father Mr Levi Toesina, who was a driver for the Australians during the war. Her grandmother was able to protect her father during the war by using witchcraft.
Mrs Vavaga Marina shares the stories of her father Marina, a village leader, and mother Dubu about what life was like for village people during the War.
Mr Tom Dasi tells the story of his father Mr Dasi Besei who join the Papuan Infantry Battalion. He also speaks of how the special powers of the Milne Bay women protected the Papuan men fighting in the war.
In this interview, Timo Deiwili talks about his uncle Barnaba Ou, who was a carpenter employed by ANGAU to construct buildings at the bases in Milne Bay during the war.
This is an interview with the Palemeni family. Mr Taupili Palemeni and his sisters Mrs Waineuya Kanatupa Palemeni and Mrs Wainoino Palemeni speak about their father Mr Palemeni Litapi who worked with the Coastwatchers during the war.
Mr Tasman Orere tells his mother's story of working as a laundry girl at Dobuduru during the war.
Mr Tasman Oiko Orere tells the stories of his stepparents. His stepmother Naitameri Oiago Orere, was a laundry girl during the War. His stepfather Oiko Stanley Orere was initially recruited as a carrier but then became a member of the Pacific…
Mr Siembo, a former Oro Governor, describes his grandfathers experience as a guide for the Japanese, and recounts atrocities experienced by several Oro women and men during the war.
Mr Stonewigg Haita tells the story of his father-in-law, Haita Perija and his brother Heviki Perija who worked as carriers during the battle of Buna-Sanananda in 1942 when the famous George Silk photo of George Whittington and Raphael Oembari was…
This is an interview with Mrs Tohoa Doilegu and her sister Mrs Sinehile Doilegu. They tell the story of their father, Mr Doilegu Peni, who was a PIB soldier during the war.
Mr Simon Basili tells the story of his grandfather Mr John Wesley Basili who during the war worked as an ANGAU Supervisor.
Selip Igai tells the story of his parent's experiences during WWII.
Mrs Sarah Sau Hiari tells the story of her father, Simon Ovamene who worked as a carrier for the Australians during the Kokoda Campaign.
Mr Sapiedi Loiyabada was 15 years-old when the war came to Milne Bay and this family were evacuated from their village. His uncle Inudei was recruited to be a PIB solider.
Mrs Samie Toina tells the story of her father who was recruited to worked as a carrier and labourer during World War Two for the Australians and Americans.
Mr Suap tells of his experience of being one of Aisoli Salin's student. He tells of how Aisoli Salin emphasised the importance of education.

Mr Lamangau tells of how he heard about Aisoli Salin when he was a student; he also found Aisoli's book…
Mr Russel Wakidosi was seven years old when the war came to Samarai Island, where he lived with his family.
Mrs Rosevera Gandari tells the story told to her by her mother about the Japanese landing at Gona and her displacement during the war.
Mr Rolf Asi tells the story of his father Asi Fere who was a member of the Papuan Infantry Battalion during World War Two.