Browse Interviews (7 total)
Mr Ivan Nitua tells the story of his father worked as a carrier for the Australians during World War Two. He speaks of the effect the War had on villagers.
Mr Gerald Iwuga tell the story of his father Eric Iwuga who was initially recruited as a carrier but then became a member of the Pacific Infantry Battalion.
Mr Michael Esoma speaks about his experience during the War working as a carrier for the Australians during the Kokoda Campaign.
Mrs Samie Toina tells the story of her father who was recruited to worked as a carrier and labourer during World War Two for the Australians and Americans.
Mr Kala Meia tells the story of his father Kariki Ada who worked as a carrier for the Australians during the War.
Mrs Vavaga Marina shares the stories of her father Marina, a village leader, and mother Dubu about what life was like for village people during the War.
Mr Jerry Dimuda tells the story of his father Dimuda Niligi who was a carrier and scout /policeman who looked after the Egulu clan during the Kokoda Campaign.