Mr Carson Hanana tells the story of his grandfather Omota Tarawo who worked as a carrier during the battle of Buna-Sanananda in 1942. His grandfather also worked with the American and Australian engineering units to construct roads, bridges, and…
Mr Gerald Iwuga tell the story of his father Eric Iwuga who was initially recruited as a carrier but then became a member of the Pacific Infantry Battalion.
Mrs Grace Bauba tells the story of her father Bauba Avea who at the start of the War was working as a plantation overseer at Awala. He escaped the advancing Japanese, with the plantation owner Mr Clen Searle and was taken to Australia, where he…
Mr Philemon Barminas Ogomei tell the story of his father Paminas Sena Ogomei who was initially recruited as a carrier but then became a member of the Pacific Infantry Battalion. He explains how his father described the work they did as carriers was…