Browse Interviews (5 total)
Mr Geoffry Meia tells the story of his father Meia Wai who was only a teenager when he was recruited by the Australians to work as carrier during the Kokoda Campaign.
Mr Lomas Tomu Ani tells the story of his father, Osborne Tonu who was a member of the Papuan Infantry Battalion, and his mother, Ruth Ani who was a laundry worker for the Allies during World War Two.
Fabian Jawoambu tells the story of his father Jawoambu Toja who worked as a carrier during World War Two.
Mr Matthew Ware tells the story of his father Ware Toja and his uncle Jawoambu Toja who worked as carriers during World War Two.
Mrs Margaret Embahe tells the story of her parents' life and her own, including her parents' time in Milne Bay during the war, when her father was a teacher evangelist.